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Does Walking Help You Lose Weight - Benefits of Walking |
Does Walking Help You Lose Weight - Walking appears like an enjoyable activity, but
isn't it too easy an exercise to really provide much benefit in terms
of fitness, weight reduction, calories burned and overall health?
This indicates we've all been a bit misled throughout the fitness craze that's accompanied the baby boom generation into believing that something enjoyable can't possibly be beneficial. But the facts don't support that view. There is ample evidence that walking has a multitude of benefits.
Health Benefits of Walking
Studies reveal that walking can:
- Reduce danger of coronary heart problems and stroke
- Reduce high cholesterol
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduce danger of a cancerous colon
- Reduce body fat
- Help control body weight
- Increase bone density and help prevent osteoporosis
- Assistance with osteoarthritis
- Reduce danger of non-insulin dependent diabetes
- Assistance with overall flexibility
- Increase mental wellbeing
Walking Helps People Live Longer
Regular participation in physical activity is related to reduced mortality rates. (US Dept. of Health 1996). Particularly, studies have shown that:
- Fit and active individuals have approximately half the chance of cardiovascular disease in comparison to unfit people
- Since the bones are strengthened, fit people are less inclined to fall and suffer injuries such as for example hip fractures
- Fit people are less inclined to sustain injury because joints have a much better range of movement and muscles are far more flexible
- Fit people are less vulnerable to depression and anxiety
- Fit people have a tendency to sleep better
- Fit individuals have better control of body weight
So in a nutshell, you are able to raise your likelihood of living longer by the straightforward act of walking at the least 30 minutes per day. Does Walking Help You Lose Weight.
Fitness Walking
A concern often asked is “How fast should I walk.The clear answer appears to be “As fast as you are able to without losing the capacity to hold a conversation.Quite simply, walk at a rate that is brisk but does not prevent you from conversing with a buddy in a normal manner.
Walking must be an aerobic exercise. Aerobic means that exercise is carried out at a comfortable pace to ensure that the muscles have sufficient oxygen available. If you're gasping for breath, you are doing anaerobic exercise. Regular aerobic exercise done 3 times per week for 30 minutes or more will result in increased quantities of fitness and aerobic capacity. An interesting study done at Loughbrough University created some very interesting results. The researchers found that walking continuously for 30 minutes 5 days per week provided nearly identical increases in fitness as splitting 30 minutes into three 10-minute walks. More surprising was the discovering that the short walkers lost more weight and reported greater decreases in waist circumference compared to long walkers! All of this research seems to point out the fact that getting fit is really very easy and doesn't require any sort of complicated exercise regimen. Just move out there and walk every single day in whatever manner you can manage and you'll reap the benefits of walking! Does Walking Help You Lose Weight.
Theory, losing weight is easy. All you have to do is expend more calories than you consume and you'll lose weight. Used, losing weight is difficult. For several the cycle of dieting, losing weight and eventually gaining it back is all too familiar. You can find literally tens and thousands of diets to pick from, that claim to be THE way to get rid of weight. You might have tried a few yourself with mixed results. The problem with diets is that they simply give attention to half the equation. Needless to say it's important to look closely at everything you eat, but this is very important to everyone, not just those trying to get rid of weight. Dieting alone, especially fad diets that contradict common sense and centuries of human nutritional history, will rarely work in the long term. Good diet must be combined with exercise to really be of any value. And walking is an ideal exercise for those wishing to get rid of weight. Walking one mile (1.6km) will burn up at the least 100kcal (420kJ) of energy. Walking two miles (3.2km) per day, 3 times per week, can help reduce weight by approximately one pound (0.5kg) every three weeks. Another advantageous asset of walking is that walking alters your fat metabolism so that fat is burned up in place of sugars. This will help you lose weight. The bottom line if you like to lose weight is: start walking today
and walk every single day and you WILL lose weight – guaranteed!
Walking and Mental Health
Does Walking Help You Lose Weight. Walking affects not only your physical health, your mental health as well. It has been shown to boost self esteem, ease the outward symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improve mood. A soft walk in the fresh air and sunshine is relaxing and it makes you feel good. What else could you look for?